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Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Limited and Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited have acknowledged service of ValueLicensing's claim. Each has confirmed that they will defend the Claim in all its aspects. Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited have also indicated that they intend to contend the jurisdiction of the Court.

Interestingly, in its June 2021 Product Terms, Microsoft has removed a requirement that ValueLicensing has said is anti-competitive, in its claim against Microsoft. ValueLicensing’s case is that Microsoft is still engaged in other forms of anti-competitive conduct in relation to pre-owned software sales.

ValueLicensing has now served its claim on (1) Microsoft Corporation in Washington State and (2) on Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited in Dublin after the Commercial Court granted permission to serve the claim out of the jurisdiction, and (3) on Microsoft Limited in the United Kingdom

Brick Court Chambers is one of the leading sets of barristers’ chambers in the UK, having a strong reputation for Commercial, EU/Competition and Public Law. In addition to providing specialist expertise in each of those areas of law, we are uniquely placed to handle cases involving more than one field.