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Order in relation to consequential matters which covers costs, refusal of permission to appeal, and when the defense will be due.

Following the hearing on 30/31 March and subsequent Judgment on 14th April by Mr Justice Picken, the Particulars of Claim have been amended to explicitly plead the direct involvement of Microsoft Limited (the UK arm of Microsoft) in the Campaign: see paragraph 60 of the Judgment and reflected change in paragraph 52A(3) of the Particulars of Claim.

UK High Court beckons for Windows vendor and reseller amid claims of on-prem software license skullduggery

Mr Justice Picken has refused applications by Microsoft Corporation and its UK and Irish subsidiaries aimed at preventing ValueLicensing (“VL”)’s claims against them from proceeding to trial.

Introduction Case No: CL-2021-000208 ValueLicensing has won in its first hearing in its claims against Microsoft