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Paragraph 1 of the Fourth CMC Order shall be varied to allow the defendants an additional seven days to reply to the 14th December summary judgment application, plus any other applications.

A fourth case management conference has been listed to commence at 10:30am on 20 November 2024, with a time estimate of three days. The CAT has now issued its directions ahead of the fourth CMC.

A fourth case management conference, including the summary judgment application, has been listed to commence at 10:30am on 20 November 2024.

Third CMC Order shall be varied such that the Defendants shall, by 4:00pm on Friday 21 June 2024, provide to the Claimant disclosure by way of List of Documents in the relevant practice form, together with a disclosure statement verified by a statement of truth, and simultaneously electronic inspection of any documents falling within the categories set out in Annex A to the Third CMC Order;

The third CMC Order shall be varied as such that the disclosure date shall be extended to 7th June 2024, and the date for the parties to have sought to agree on disclosure orders based on the Joint Disclosure Schedules from 9 July 2024 to 23 July 2024.